Land details
- Flat site with a total area of 164,117m².
- Total area built on: 106,560m².
- Units from 1,000m² to 7,000m².
- Concession sites (Antwerp Port Authority).
- Owner of the buildings: Port Real Estate NV.
- Environmental permit: a Class III environmental permit was granted to this site on 9th October 2003 for its current business activities.
- Asphalt surface over the whole site, with extensive manoeuvring space for tractor/ trailer combinations (minimum 40metres between the warehouse blocks).
Type of storage
- The buildings are suitable for all types of storage and handling of goods that have no special requirements in terms of refrigeration or heating.
The site is partly fenced and can only be accessed after reporting in.
Maximum height 7metres.
Water and sanitary amenities.
Intruder and fire protection.
Interior and exterior lighting.
Rail connection at the front of the site.
4 – 6 sectional gates (some automated) per unit.
Unit 0 features 6 loading ramps with dock shelters: 3 at the front and 3 at the rear of the unit.
Fumigation zone at the site.
- No heating in the warehouses.
- Heating in the offices.
Waterways nearby.
Possible lease options
Units available between 1,000m² and 7,000m².
Logistic services.
Facility services.